Getting really hungry and not sure if I should just eat, cook and then wake her, or just wait for her to wake up. Mostly I am just bored though, managed to score CRASH from blockbuster today, been trying to get that for quite a while, now only have one hard to get movie, "Constant Gardener."
Ohh yea forgot to mention went apartment searching with Drew as well. Semi funny story. We go out to dinner last night and during the meal @ some random point Jessica asks Drew if he wants to live with us next year, which is totally fine by me, I enjoy Drew and think we would all live happily ever after. But the odd thing was that she never asked me about it first. She I believe had a make believe conversation with me in her head. She has these a lot and from time to time and claims that somehow my bad memory causes these conversations in her head to happen in the real world, but I balk at such lunacy.
Actually working with Chad now. Its mostly interesting work, sometimes it is a tad frustrating when they tell me to get some tool and I have no idea what it is, or even worse, when I am told to go do a job I have never done with no real instruction. Such as when I bumbled around in a crawl space the other morning doing installation, good times, great memories. The hardest thing about the job are those days that I leave @ 6:25AM and don't get back till 7:00PM, but Jessica is generally happier when she sees me, so that makes it all worth while.
Spent a fair chunk of today looking @ magic cards, hoping my lady friend allows me to purchase like 10-15 bucks of cards I have been contemplating for a while, we shall see :).
P.S. This is how morning feels

Peace, Luv, and Bread
Bob, Strugglin on with his breadfreehysteria
well. i'm glad thats going to be the top entry for the next month. You sure put me in a good light.
in truth, for anyone who cares, I accidentally ate a peanut at work, and I'm seriously allergic to them, so I threw up and took a benedryl, which knocked me out, and made me feel very angry.
and all the apartmnets we were looking like were dark caves.
Hi Bobby, glad you are writing again. Your blog never fails to make me smile. Hope you find an apartment that makes you both happy. love you....MOM
oo.. thats a pretty picture. I hope the apartment situation gets worked out too! Good luck!
how does no one see that that is a picture of satan rising in the morning?
oh... i thought it was the sun. How could I have been so mistaken?
damn spammers... go to hell!!
I saw the Satanic glory Bob... I just figured it was so obvious there was no need to point it out... silly girl.
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