Amazingly today was a rather nice day. In many many ways. I got a lead on a few jobs, most of which sound rather sketchy, but when yur desperate you go after sketchy anyway. The least scary of the prospects is the Target Warehouse job, which is unfortunately in Topeka, but is legitimate. The rest of them sound like I will be importing Chinese children or running a credit card scam, should be fun! Come Wednesday I will begin exploring my options on these jobs, I set up one 'interview' in Topeka and will hit up the target warehouse that is there on the same day. I say 'Interview' in these '' cause I don't want it to sound to respectable. This was the sketchiest of all, I'm just waiting to get knocked out from behind and have someone melt my eye off Hostel style.
The day continued to go nicely outside of the job front. It was kind of sad to not receive anymail, but that was far offset by the delightful weather outside when I stupidly checked for mail. Most of the rest of the day was spent chatting to Jessica and Drew, which was delightful as always. Jessica seemed to be having a nice day @ work, and she is positively wonderful to talk to when chipper. I then spend the rest of the day, cleaning up the kitchen, cleaning up the front room. Organizing bits and pieces of the other rooms and putting away some of the laundry. I'll finish the laundry in the morrow, was just to depressing to do all @ once tonight...
I had a decent conversation with Mark on the drive home Sunday (decent phone conversation with Mark is like winning the Lottery, which unfortunately we failed to do). I infact just inquired to my father as to whether anyone won the powerball *someone did*, and ohhh crap. I just remembered I forgot to call the twins on their birthday, damn this brain of mine. If Either of you read this, Happy Birthday! I'll have to try to remember to call them tommarah. Anywho back to Mark, when talking to him he sounded like he would indeed be headed back to his parents after his hospital appointment. Its not that I think that it is a bad decision, I am just bummed to have more Mark time stolen from me. Curse that shotgun.
The night then continued with the cooking of some kind of Chicken Shishcabob thingy from the shwans man, which everyone seemed to more or less enjoy but that I was not impressed by. Kathy, Drew and I watched Stargate. Jessica seems to have grown away from the gate. Which is a bummer cause I think it is fun when we all watch it together cause I'm a nerd like that. But is also maybe good cause now I can burn through it faster and get up to date, then we can just start watching it on normal TV once a week or whenver it is on. She reads the Internets spoilers on em anyway.
We started watching Gilmore girls on the weekend, which makes me very happy in that I have loved that show for quite some time, and it thrills me that she enjoys it to. She has a very ummm, not sure how to say it. She often thinks of my shows and droll, or fake, etc. So I found it to be quite excellent that she enjoyed watching the Girls, and am happy that we can watch them together.
I Bobby, Love you read your blog... I have always appreciated your unique sense of humor, as only a MOM can. Love you
loovey bear. updating is the best way to receive commentary.
loves you.
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