I got Jessica some hopefully cute, possibly awful Vday presents. They are ....drumroll...... a thermometer and an alarm clock, heh. Hopefully she will post pictures of them on her blog @ some point so you don't think they are totally terrible, maybe they are. But I thought they were cute. Other then that had a good Vday, went out to eat (accidentally ate something including gluten, not totally sure what it was so was sick last night.) Then I had a good time @ the old gym.
Feels really good to be back in the gym groove again. I vainly, or stupidly, or hell I Dunno some other 'ly' don't want to look fat and out of shape in my wedding photo's, and more importantly I don't want to be fat and out of shape. Going to the gym gives me more energy on a daily basis, lets me feel better, and hopefully makes me more useful in a physical labor job, which is about all I seem good for.
Life has been up and down since I last posted. I've had some really good days, some rather frustrating days (mostly @ work). Not sure if they are giving me less hour on the schedule lately cause they are mad about me changing my availability (which I did in thinking I would be working with Chad by now) or because they want me to quit, or because those were the only hours available. I'm hoping the latter, but would not be surprised if it was the previous. Myself and the Gatekeeper don't exactly get along.
So in summary I am excited about our website possibilities, excited about hopefully working soon, and hoping that my working will improve my current relationship, not that it is bad. Just that it is hard to have one person working full time (and then some, she works extra jobs, she's hardcore, gotta luv er) and one person not working, not going to school, and not writing the next Great American Novel.
P.S. Figured it would be rude of me to go this long without a post and not put up a graphic.....

I loves you baby, and despite your declarations to the contrary, you are capabable of more than manual labor. Of course, I've been slogging baby poop for at least a year now, so I hope I'm better than that too.
too bad you can't spell check your comments. I'm forever leaving misspellings all over the blogosphere.
your alarm clock and thermometer are so pretty! good job!
oh.. and NIN is in KC so I will only be away on Saturday night. We totally need to Stargate it! (as I dont have school at all today [firday])
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