Having a total poop day so far. Went to bed last night before my body was actually ready to sleep, and as such I spent pretty much the whole night tossing and turning and getting no sleep. Then come morning/Jessicawakeuptime she was friendly enough to cuddle w/ me just long enough this morning to wake me up with no chance of falling back asleep. Then I was trashed all day and unable to get any further sleep. The one bright spot is that Chad (my brother in law and a really friendly chap) said I can work w/ him, but not for a couple weeks (damn!). But hopefully that works out great, I think I will like working for him, I just hope I can do a good enough job. Then to poo on my day later I got stuck on the phone with KU for like 30 minutes with no human voice!

So I eventually just sent the admissions office an email, but email seems to go over as well as one of those cake smelling candles @ fat camp. Anyway I'm exhausted, my eyes make me look like an extra dancer from
Thriller, and I have to work from 5-11 now >< GodamnyouThursday!
1 comment:
awh. poor last thursday. at least the hatred of KU has abated to a mere hostile fizzle.
bastards and their terrible giant uncaring blob-like money-guzzing no-degree-for-you school.
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