(I can only assume the reason I can't move these photo's anywhere is because my work users IE6 which is painful in ways you can only know if you are forced to websurf without tab browsing as well. Anyway these photo's will make more sense with further reading. The second picture is just me wondering why I have a beer in my hand.)
I don't want to jump to conclusions but is Spring actually on its way? Its supposed to be 80 degree's of bliss today! I've looked into Obama's weather plan for the rest of the week and it gets 'chilly' again after Saturday, but I think it still has highs in the 50s! Now if I can just get the rest of this Poison Ivy to bugger off I'll be ready for outside wonderment!
We have Ang's Birfday partay this Saturday, I'm looking forward to it! Not so much because its Ang's birfday but because we finally get uncorked on the elusive Seedorf! I plan on drinking whatever amount properly prepares me to embarrass everyone present except for myself as I long ago became immune to my own shenanigans. I'm really hoping my hair is long enough to 'top knot' or at least to 'multi knot.' That should make me 'pretty' enuf to sit in genovese, amirite?
Ok, enuf looking into the year 2000, might as well tell my 1-2 readers all of whom already know what I have been up to... what I have been up to (try making sense of that, I dare you!).
Last weekend Karma put the pimp hand down. I spent Saturday evening/night over at gary's kept-man(I use this term very loosely)-lodge at a haut-ub party. It was a ridiculous amount of fun, a whole lot was drank, pong was played, asses were pounded - but not in the same way as is custom in DJ/Hamids home, paddles were broken, tickles were dished out, and what can only be described as a violently/joyfully/erotic game of leg king of the hill was played. My punishment for this came two fold. The first of which involved a confusing trip into Walmart at 3:00 that morning. Why we 'had' to go shopping at that ungodly time with my legs barely listening to my slurred commands I'll never know. I'm pretty sure I spent 4 decades wandering its hallowed halls in search of Mush (polentia if you hate Amurika) only to come up empty handed and disheartened.
The second punishment came the morning after. At some unholy hour of the day like 9:30 Jessica starts frantically getting out of bed which awoke me from my slumber. When asked why she would be moving when not moving seemed to be where the smart money was she responded that she thought she heard a knock on the door. I mostly assumed this was either a case of her paranoid hearing of things or at most a postman that was drugged out and thought today was Monday. Turns out it was the people who wanted to take our beleaguered hot tub off our hands. Why they were out at this time of day with 4 inches of snow on the ground only Beelzebub himself could tell you, but there they were, waiting for us to arise. Thus did I face the cold, unfriendly morning with a pounding headache and zero motivation. After an hour or so they were gone with the haut-ub in tow, but I knew I had done wrong the night before to pay for a night of haut-ub bliss with a morning of haut-ub pain.
Other then that all I've been up to is minimal house work and attempting to update my Ipod, btw if anyone reading this knows anything about Ipods after I get this thing all updated is it fairly easy to transfer everything exactly as it is on this Ipod to a new model? I really hope so cause to say this thing is on its last legs would be giving false hope to paraplegics. But its given me a reason to listen through various albums I had not yet listened to, dig through Mikes neverending supply of terrible music for that which I want to keep and remind me of what music I need to download at a whopping 3k/sec or whatever trash rate I get. I really really really want to hook an antenna up to our internet so that its not so terrible, it fairly regularly picks up the 3G signal now, but it picks it up so weakly I try to make it switch back to edge as edge is actually faster at its far superior signal strength. Currently our money is being siphoned by my boy blue, our couch. We bought the most expensive of all the parts to it a week ago, but it won't arrive for another couple of weeks. Then we only have 3 more pieces to buy (I think) and they are all the 'cheapish' parts. But each still comes in at around $150+ after shipping.
I've finally gotten myself back in the swing of things as far as going to the gym. Its not that I've been a whole lot the last couple weeks, but the times I have gone I've actually enjoyed it again. I have no idea what changed, maybe its just spring time. I don't want to figure it out either way, I'm just happy that its fun to do again. I'm hoping the weather clears up enough in the next couple o weeks that myself and the band of merry men can once again play a rousing game of broken ankles that some people call football once a week. I'm in desperate need of some excuse such as that to start getting in shape, so that on the weekends and a night or two of tennis during the week should go a long way towards making me less of an American.
And just so everyone knows, I still believe the Dream of Tyler Thigpin, but apparently the Chiefs don't...
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