Now on to the recent past, I can't really remember what went down through the week any longer until Thursday rolled around. I imagine it involved reading the Internets, salivating over this or that and watching TV. But Thursday kicked it up a notch in the form of DnD fun once again. I'm completely flabbergasted and impressed with how often Drama has managed to consecutively host our game, he deserves a standing O just for throwing down for this long, and they have been very fun games. I think he is definitely assisted by the ease of 4th ed opposed to 3.5; but it's still an achievement. As a double bonus to this week ORION of Legend and Lore was in town so he played with us and then hit Mass street along side our merry gang.
I know we went to the Lion, and I think we played some darts, beyond that I can't think of anything else we did. On the walk there, at the bar and on the walk back Orion and I decided it was a good idea to randomly punch each other. It wasn't bad that night and I wasn't sore the next morning but my gawd did it every make my ab work outs a painful affair that next day.
Friday as you can see below was ZOMBIE NIGHT!

It's a blurry Bob! there was a picture I liked more but I think it must have been taken on Mark's phone because I haven't seen it online and he is a lazy useless bugger.
This night started off in a most foul manner. We only had about half the ingredients for the 'zombie' rum based beverage we enjoy on zombie nights so we decided to sort of 'wing' the rest. We ended up with Captain Morgan Spiced Silver rather then something more along the lines of a Bacardi Silver, but that wasn't the most shameful change. In the name of saving wallet greens MrDer decided to skimp on the Grenadine and Lime juice and instead bought this cheap garbage that was basically comprised of High Fructose Corn Syrup and fail. They were really really awful, I don't think any of us managed to choke down more then one mug full, I moved on to the tried and true Long Island Iced Tea (and a damned huge one at that).
As for the zombie watching portion of the night we took in Ded Sno (Norwegian I think?). It was pretty excellent, it started off really slow, but when Zack Morris starting turning on the awesome it didn't turn off again. This movie had a couple iconic moments for me in no particular order..
1.) For the first time ever I saw a human bite a zombie in defense before he got bitten.
2.) it gave me the phrase "slammin 2's" Used in a sentence "Damn that honey has a top notch Ace, hopefully I'll be slammin 2's tonight!"
3.)A sex scene to rival my ever popular 'screwin in duh mud' from Enemy at the gates. Anyways this one involved an outhouse, a fat loser and a woman with a heart of gold.
The second zombie movie was much much much less impressive. It goes by the name of Black Sheep and it's a movie about zombie sheep. Don't be confused by what I just told you, it truly is as terrible as it sounds. Mike was in some sort of BJ soaked miasma and somehow thought it was a fine film to watch. As you can see above I came dressed to the nines. You can't see it in the picture but I was rocking some really stellar (IMO) shredded jeans, I thankfully didn't throw up anywhere to close out the night so this outfit can make a repeat performance! Everyone else eventually got zombied up and we headed out to town... but first!
Poor poor schwumps went and fell asleep a little to early in the night. We were kind hearted at first and tucked him in with Pichu's lil pink blanket and even helped him kick off his shoes. But then the degenerate in all of us kicked in and I came up with the plan of 'lets pile stuff on him!' We then proceded to follow through with this brilliant stratagem. All in all he had like 6 chairs and various other random 'stuff' we then left him to disaster. Ohh I forgot to mention before, apparently lame ass bingo ink makes for fine blood in a pinch.
The time we spent on Mass were used chasing cars (and laughing as they would drive on the other side of the road to avoid our zombie dirg!), Chasing people and biting a fair amount of them, doing what I could to get us in a fight with anyone that was asking for it, and laughing at protective boyfriend and his insertion between himself and our group. On the waltz home we accidentally (obviously) found ourselves on the pool side of the fence protecting said pool. Mike went a took a clothing optional dip into the pool but immediately gave me a report of its chilling touch, I cheesed it back over the fence, that I had mysteriously ended up on the wrong side of, with a quickness. Somehow I got covered in thorns on the down stroke. Upon returned home we found that not only was schwumps still covered in excitement but that he was in fact actually cuddling with one of the chairs while he slept. Drama had a senior moment and turned the light on before he even had his camera retrieved so we weren't able to get a picture, but it was funny; let me assure you of that.
The next day was burnt up at an all day belated mothers day extravaganza in Garnet with J Paul and the fam. The food was RIDICULOUS tasty, I couldn't stop eating. I'm pretty sure I didn't' eat another thing that day and still went to bed full. It was a good time filled with porch sitting and discussions of 'stuff'. Sunday was supposed to be either paintball day or cement post day. It ended up being a gardening day. It was mostly relaxing and nice. It was pretty spectacular to have a low key Sat/Sun after the previous weeks and before the upcoming schedule.
Denver ended up failing me, so now Hamids prediction of Lakers Magic! is actually coming true. I'm a true believer of Orlando though, so I believe that they have a real shot at putting down the Lakers. I think their 6th man all star will do a pretty solid job of slowing down Kobe Bryant. Or at least as well as you can expect him to be able to. I look forward to that series starting up on umm Thursday I think.
Abde Abde abde, that's all folks.
whoa! A post containing information besides "I went drinking on this night, and then the next day and so on", mind you it's at the end, but still... somewhat success! I'm beginning to think you don't remember an event unless you've been drinking.
things worth writing about occur when sober? That can't be true...
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