Syuk on that Brady, The Plummer ran WILD on you! Bruuutha!

Had a pretty good day today all things mashed together. I had to wake up earlier then I had hope, but it was for a good cause. Went to Applebee's with Jeef and Sarah which was good, I never get to see either of them anymore, so it nice to hang with them again. Sounds like things are going well for them, although a feel for Jeef cause Sarah chose a pink and umm yellow I think wedding, not that I would want blood red and black for my wedding, but yellow and pink? chumon now. haha!
Then came back and Jessica was beginning to complain aboot a stomach ache, but she did not seem to be overly concerned about it @ first. I say this cause if anyone knows how to complain its by Boobles. So I was rather surprised to find that she felt to crappy to baby sit today, which was a bummer twofold. One that she was sick feeling, which is never fun, sounded like she was having similar sensations to those I feel when Gluten strikes. Secondly it was a bummer cause I had already made plans for Mark and Drew to come over, Stu also followed those Drew over to our abode. I had a most confusing night with them both being here. I'm not sure why but for some reason I just could not stop calling Stu - Drew, maybe cause their names end in uuuu but I dunno, it was quite confusing, but my brain fails to work frequently so life goes on.
Later in the evening, maybe an hour or so after they arrived my body informed that I had injested gluten @ Applebee's, so I had a fun bloated stomach and lots of enticing pain. The most painful bit was having to admit to myself that I had gluten @ Applebee's for I had argued with Jessica there that my food was not containing gluten, and even though the confused waiter (confused because he frequently brought water out for your drink refill regardless of what was in the cup, such as coke) had not mentioned my meal as gluten free. Ahh well, There is a lot of pride swallowing in this relationship, so much so that I think I need to pick up some more pride, Dunno where I could find anyone with some to spare though being that most people I know are nerds.
The rest of my Buhda bellied night was good as well, the ladies created for us a meal of salad and potatoes, then unfortunately got angry @ us for not diving after the food in a hasty enough matter, for which I am sorry, but am none the less truly confused at the anger over it. But it was a tasty meal and was followed by 40 year old virgin which I had not seen and totally enjoyed. I think I would have preferred seeing the non unrated version so that the jokes and timing could be quicker, but was very very funny.
And then I capped my night with some research into gluten free foods and found some really helpful websites, and a better list of what drinks I can ingest, which was nice. Plus I had some definitions rounded out for me about what foods I can or cannot have, basically if anything is iffy if it was made in the US it is prolly all good.
Everyone enjoy yur Sunday, make sure you don't do much and watch the playoff games, I sure as hell will be trying, but I imagine Jessica will be trying to stop me from enjoying said playoff be continued