The weathermen better be correct about it getting warmer come Halloween... Whats the point of getting going out on Halloween if its to cold for women to exercise their right (or excuse) to dress slutty on Halloween! It was ball suckingly cold this morning, mine may have been sticking out my backside they were so chilly on my walk to the car. But it looks as though it should be mid 60s by Friday, I'll put a mean hex on the mad scientists who control the weather if this isn't true! Luckily it definitely looks like no rain, which is great since we are having an outdoor party on Saturday.
So on to actual news.....
In an ironic twist I actually got that job I interviewed for (after a 2+ hour long interview, blech); and then ended up being told I didn't want it by everyone I know, haha. I know they are all correct in it being wise for me to just walk away, but I still don't 'want' to. I'm tired of being told by everyone I work with at my last two jobs "why are you here, your blah blah blah for this place." I'd like to be somewhere that has actual expectations... meaning that just because I can create 7 out of 3 and 4 I'm not going to 'wow' my fellow coworkers. I'd like to be somewhere that I can be a 'professional' whatever the hell that means, but I guess that is what I am looking for... Ohh well, back to pretending to work and going nowhere.....
(ohh yea, I forgot to mention why everyone told me not to take it. Basically its an insurance salesmen job that is all commission. It has high potential earnings, but nothing guaranteed. Personally I think I would be good at it, which is why I wanted to take it, but I understand the risks and why I have to turn it down. The idea of being able to be my own boss was very tempting however).
Please say that some of you that read this actual watched the Chiefs game, because that game was soooo satisfying for me. I had a dream on Friday night that Thigpen was going to be our Quarterback of the future, it was a very odd dream, and very real feeling. I remember thinking in the dream, how weird is it that we have had this Billy Idol weirdo as our Quarterback for 15 years.... Anyway, I mentioned this at the diner I went to with friends on Saturday night, it was met with lots of mockery, haha. Which is to be expected, I clearly didn't actually believe Thigpen was going to be that awesome, but it made his glory on Sunday all the more satisfying. I know he didn't complete any long balls, but I didn't think the couple of long balls he threw were poorly thrown. He looked absolutely amazing to me, admit idly this is through a zero expectations "Holy crap Palin didn't throw up or speak in tongues during the debate" type of lense. Both his play and Bradley's play (as well as the usual sweetness of Bowe) allows me some of that silver lining I didn't think I would see this season.
On the downside it might mean that Sucka Jones and myself can't go to anymore Chiefs games, but its a sacrifice I am willing to make for my team, haha. I've got a new costume idea (besides the Zombie Viking that I will be rocking at the party at my house). I am going to be the commedian on Halloween night. Sucka Jones is being Rorschach, and Schwumps is trying to throw together a Nite Owl costume so it just made sense. Plus his outfit is so simple, and I could rock it again next year if the movie ever comes out, only better next year of course. This year it will be pretty damn thrown together, but his costume is simple so as long as people don't think I am a really really terrible captain America I am wining, haha.
I'm really looking forward to this week in food. Jys and I spent a retarded sum of money at the grocery store last week, so we have a really large, bountiful list of menu items. Plus at some point this week we are going to rock 'German night.' Which for me means Sauerkraut and Sausage with Mashed taters, and for her means beer; so we both win pretty hard. I'm going to try to use German night to Lure Jones into helping me gather fire wood for like an hour... Tasty Beer and Brats Jones... you know you want it!
Well tired of typing up my mindless chatter for 2 maybe 3 people to read. Until next time, I leave you with these parting words... Thigpen - Believe the Dream!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Career of the Living Dead!
I have a second interview with Bankers Life and Causalty... Which is good if for no other reason then I at least didn't blow the first go round. The biggest problem with it is I am uncertain, as of right now, how much I even want the job. I want it to make more monies and to work somewhere that I feel more useful, but commission based jobs are always a scary venture. I already know I want to aim more in the direction of trainee > trainer > management, rather then trainee > agent... But that doesn't make me free from commission. It basically all boils down to how much the consistent earnings are available, and whether or not I can even land the job... which is very very doubtful right now. I saw a great many people in that room that looked like they were probably more qualified then myself, but I am of course waay more awesome!
My football frenzy weekend sort of went better and sort of went worse then I thought it would. Rocking out some two hand touch with only 5 people was actually really really fun. And Hamid 'Randy Moss' Huggybean actually ran on like 3/5 plays, it was nuts! Hopefully he'll come out and play again this weekend, but that could be askin to much of ol Huggy. The KU game had a really really great first half... and an equally disastrous second half. As near as I could tell we basically just stopped tackling, and their QB was on his game all game long. I sadly had to watch this game without John or Mark, but i still had a great time watching it with the remaining warriors. Mark instead watched this game with Kristian who then forgot he was there, which is equally parts sad and funny... well maybe more sad then funny... but yea.
I had to make a new paragraph to describe for you all the glory that was the Chiefs game. Tina (Thanks TINA! not that you read this) was able to acquire four tickets to the Chiefs game from her aunt... we later learned the four tickets were Suite tickets.... and we learned some time later that they came with a free 'gold' parking pass, Jackpot! The tickets themselves were a ridiculous like 95 bucks a pop, and I think I remember the parking pass coming in at 35 bones. So Mark and I being awesome left Lawrence around 9:25 so we could get to the stadium early and do some tail gating (Tina and her sadly not assholish asshole boyfriend barely made it for kick off). The drive there was made all the more exciting by my rambling on about some story and completely missing a merge off of the highway... I think we ended up on 71 or some such nonsense... can't even remember now though. Anywho we get to the arena and spend a solid 20ish minutes being totally confused.
I don't' understand why they don't have signs to tell you where to go, instead there is just a bucket brigade of people pointing, waving and gyrating to get you where you need to go. And since we had no idea as to our final destination (mark pretended to know, but I know he's a lying bastich) we never knew which turn, or not turn to make. which ended up in a lot of angry human signs giving us anger infused waves onward, as if we were to somehow know where the hell to go before they told us.... good times. We then 'tailgated' which for a couple of losers like us involves Mark downing some miller, me swigging from a big ol' bottle of Vodka and throwing the football around....
We somehow manage to glance at our phones in time to wander into the stadium a good 10-15 minutes before kick off. When we entered the suite (which was located right behind the goal posts... so baller!) there was no one else there but us... and a manservant! Which was really really awesome. The suite only had like 10-12 places for people to sit, and no one was there yet so we both had some hilarious imagery of us being the only people there and having gereld our butler make us drinks and bring us wings all game! A whole lot more people came eventually (maybe 15 in total) making it less awkward. There was a ton of food, booze and liquor all for free and we made sure to take adv of the situation... So much so that when we left we just kept on taking advantage. Since the game was a blow out loss everyone else left early, but since we A: were trashed and didn't care and B: are die hards and would have stayed until the end anyway, we ended up the last four people in the suite (even *Gereld left). So being the classy gents we are, we filled up Carry out containers with Gin, Beer, Bailys and some actual food. It was a huge win!
In the end I hope the Chiefs don't win another game all season so her aunt can be super disgusted and give us tickets to every home game! Plus we would get a better draft pick, cause we need a bloody Favre out here.
Other then football it was a mostly uneventful weekend. Danger cat can be found exploring our bathroom a little deeper, which leads to her hilarious scrambles for cover when we open the door. But I think she is only frosty rather then ice cold on people now, so that's progress. Fatty just keeps on being bloody awesome, Kiley is as gross and silly as ever, I'm doing good, but unfortunately Jessica appears to be getting sick so send her some love hippy style.
I've got a pretty boring week lined up involving huddling away from the rain, attending work, and sleeping. Its going to be radical! I hope you all survive the rainy day blues, the weekend and Wickaween look to be shaping up real nice, peace!
My football frenzy weekend sort of went better and sort of went worse then I thought it would. Rocking out some two hand touch with only 5 people was actually really really fun. And Hamid 'Randy Moss' Huggybean actually ran on like 3/5 plays, it was nuts! Hopefully he'll come out and play again this weekend, but that could be askin to much of ol Huggy. The KU game had a really really great first half... and an equally disastrous second half. As near as I could tell we basically just stopped tackling, and their QB was on his game all game long. I sadly had to watch this game without John or Mark, but i still had a great time watching it with the remaining warriors. Mark instead watched this game with Kristian who then forgot he was there, which is equally parts sad and funny... well maybe more sad then funny... but yea.
I had to make a new paragraph to describe for you all the glory that was the Chiefs game. Tina (Thanks TINA! not that you read this) was able to acquire four tickets to the Chiefs game from her aunt... we later learned the four tickets were Suite tickets.... and we learned some time later that they came with a free 'gold' parking pass, Jackpot! The tickets themselves were a ridiculous like 95 bucks a pop, and I think I remember the parking pass coming in at 35 bones. So Mark and I being awesome left Lawrence around 9:25 so we could get to the stadium early and do some tail gating (Tina and her sadly not assholish asshole boyfriend barely made it for kick off). The drive there was made all the more exciting by my rambling on about some story and completely missing a merge off of the highway... I think we ended up on 71 or some such nonsense... can't even remember now though. Anywho we get to the arena and spend a solid 20ish minutes being totally confused.
I don't' understand why they don't have signs to tell you where to go, instead there is just a bucket brigade of people pointing, waving and gyrating to get you where you need to go. And since we had no idea as to our final destination (mark pretended to know, but I know he's a lying bastich) we never knew which turn, or not turn to make. which ended up in a lot of angry human signs giving us anger infused waves onward, as if we were to somehow know where the hell to go before they told us.... good times. We then 'tailgated' which for a couple of losers like us involves Mark downing some miller, me swigging from a big ol' bottle of Vodka and throwing the football around....
We somehow manage to glance at our phones in time to wander into the stadium a good 10-15 minutes before kick off. When we entered the suite (which was located right behind the goal posts... so baller!) there was no one else there but us... and a manservant! Which was really really awesome. The suite only had like 10-12 places for people to sit, and no one was there yet so we both had some hilarious imagery of us being the only people there and having gereld our butler make us drinks and bring us wings all game! A whole lot more people came eventually (maybe 15 in total) making it less awkward. There was a ton of food, booze and liquor all for free and we made sure to take adv of the situation... So much so that when we left we just kept on taking advantage. Since the game was a blow out loss everyone else left early, but since we A: were trashed and didn't care and B: are die hards and would have stayed until the end anyway, we ended up the last four people in the suite (even *Gereld left). So being the classy gents we are, we filled up Carry out containers with Gin, Beer, Bailys and some actual food. It was a huge win!
In the end I hope the Chiefs don't win another game all season so her aunt can be super disgusted and give us tickets to every home game! Plus we would get a better draft pick, cause we need a bloody Favre out here.
Other then football it was a mostly uneventful weekend. Danger cat can be found exploring our bathroom a little deeper, which leads to her hilarious scrambles for cover when we open the door. But I think she is only frosty rather then ice cold on people now, so that's progress. Fatty just keeps on being bloody awesome, Kiley is as gross and silly as ever, I'm doing good, but unfortunately Jessica appears to be getting sick so send her some love hippy style.
I've got a pretty boring week lined up involving huddling away from the rain, attending work, and sleeping. Its going to be radical! I hope you all survive the rainy day blues, the weekend and Wickaween look to be shaping up real nice, peace!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
DANGER!, Occupancy Limit Breached, taking on fur, Abandon House, ABANDON HOUSE! WEEOO WEEOO!

My blog is taking a disturbingly feline bent, but so is my home, so I guess it makes sense. Last Thursday (I think) while Mark and I were playing magic (Jealous?) a tiny black fur ball appeared outside and caught Jessica's attention (obviously). She sent me out with her on a cat hunting expedition, however this cat wasn't having our reindeer games. He/she didn't so much 'run' away from us, as trot away at a controlled pace keeping us at no less then 6 feet away at all times. We foolishly made a lunge for the cat down by the fire pit which freaked it out good and proper and I assumed that would be the last we heard from it....
But low and behold it came back every other day save one, Jessica as you Can imagine began feeding and falling in love with the cat at a break neck speed. Over the course of the next few days the cat was fed and studied ala the Geiko commercials.
Last night I went to the fridge to get some ice for my tasty sweet tea which involves opening the sliding door because in our ghetto rific house you can't open the freezer all the way and still keep the door closed; who would want to though, honestly. Then I notice a pathetic little meow through the screen door and see the kitty staring inside and crying (it should be noted that it was raining and cold and terrible outside at this time). Jessica craftily used this opportunity to lure the cat into our home by placing her food just enough in the house that the kitten (did I mention it was a kitten before this? If I didn't its a totally tiny kitten) had to enter the house to snack. Then whilst the kitten was busy eating she snuck around the back of the house and closed the screen door behind the cat without it even noticing.
Once said kitten, whom we call 'boots' or 'socks' its still up in the air, (she is a tiny black cat with white feet, I could not find a picture that gave her feral green crazy eyes, and Albert Einstein like fur proper attention) was finished eating she realized her egregious error. Then came the 4 hours of hilarious fear and anger...
She sat huddled by the now closed door for a while, then once we got her to move away from the screen door just a bit we attempted to close the sliding glass door, during which time she would scurry back and forth attempting to get smashed. She then tentatively wandered around the kitchen until our new cat Emma approached her. But since Emma is a big fat sweetheart they got along just fine immediately. She even got along fine with Kiley, but she was most certainly not having any of our shit. I'm fairly certain she's under the impression that we are T-rex's and if she stands really still then we can't possibly see her and thereby eat her. She is all about finding a too tiny spot, backing into it, and staring out with her crazy eyes filled with fear if we approach. If you have been in our bathroom you know how low the big white towel holder sits to the ground, when Jessica attempted to show the cat where we made her poo box, she crammed herself under that, and stayed there until we went to bed, haha. She is really cute, and hopefully will become more friendly as time goes by, otherwise we eats her!
(I forgot to mention that about 10 minutes after we got the sliding glass door closed something spooked boots and she charged for the glass door. She even did an awesome little victory leap on her approach. But with the door closed this quickly turned into a victory smash, followed by a ninja quick 180 turn around, back into door, stare out terror filled eyes, CHEESE TO A CORNER! was some funny stuff)
In other news... I finished painting the house last week! And was rewarded by the wife immediately giving me more 'home improvement' tasks to accomplish. She needs a lobotomy of whatever part of her brain forces her to constantly want to make change with the house. I'm of the mindset that you do a little some'n some'n every now and then, and in the in between time you just enjoy the house, but she can't ever seem to enjoy. All she see's is problems. She's like Spawn or Raistlin and only see's death, haha.
Aside from that all I have been up to is catching up on my TV shows, I really love this new show called Sons of Anarchy or something like that. It's on FX and is a pretty quality show. We have also started playing football on the weekends which has been ridiculous fun, but I think we may miss out this weekend, I am trying to rectify that though... Ohh and I get to go to a Chiefs game with Mark, so that really really owns. Sadly it is against the Titans so it will probably end in shame and pain, but whatever, that just means more Colquitt!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Time for change...
Hmm, I really need to change the daily blog name on this to the 'random attacks of interest Bob' or something along those lines....
I've been super busy lately, which is actually kind of fun after the pre burning man constant plan of "Do NOTHING!, SOMETHING costs money(fear)". But now that we are back and have no pressing concerns we have eaten out a couple of times and are taking the time (and spending the dough) to get some of our ever growing house concerns fixed.
I've spent that last 5 afternoons working on painting the house, but in proper outside painting fashion only two of those days so far have actually been spent using paint. While the other were spent sacrificing my fingers to various spiders and spikey bits. Its starting to look really nice though. The funny thing is we mostly have people over for night time parties, so I doubt anyone will even notice, haha.
I haven't seen Jyesika mention the addition to our household on her blog yet, so I'll do the honors. We picked up a new cat from the Human Society (which involved having a retina scan, providing a family tree dating back to when my great, great, great (you get the picture) Grandpa Bobglegbhabob crawled out of the primordial ooze... I always just at the chance to use the term 'primordial ooze' its just so ninja turtle, I love it! Anyway back to the cat, she is basically a semi clone of Tula Ben's cat (Drew's brother, who I should call to hang more often at our gatherings, but he is always ladying it up that sexi bastard).
She is incredibly awesome though, I fell in love with her within the first day. I would say what sold it for me was her immediate coolness with my crabby aging puppy Kiley (I can totally call her a puppy and aging in the same sentence, bugger off!). They basically went through the usual ass end inspection and then were good to go, I am assuming it is their Grayness that bonds them, Kiley probably thinks she is looking in a mirror, per cataract dog. Hmmm, I am clearly living with the Gray nesters now, Darren would be so happy. But yea, she is ridiculous portly, made all the more silly by her tiny and petite head. She is so huge that our old cat box can't contain her awesome girth. Its an exciting poo explosion in there, Its almost as if Michael Bay directs her bowel movements.

I've been super busy lately, which is actually kind of fun after the pre burning man constant plan of "Do NOTHING!, SOMETHING costs money(fear)". But now that we are back and have no pressing concerns we have eaten out a couple of times and are taking the time (and spending the dough) to get some of our ever growing house concerns fixed.
I've spent that last 5 afternoons working on painting the house, but in proper outside painting fashion only two of those days so far have actually been spent using paint. While the other were spent sacrificing my fingers to various spiders and spikey bits. Its starting to look really nice though. The funny thing is we mostly have people over for night time parties, so I doubt anyone will even notice, haha.
I haven't seen Jyesika mention the addition to our household on her blog yet, so I'll do the honors. We picked up a new cat from the Human Society (which involved having a retina scan, providing a family tree dating back to when my great, great, great (you get the picture) Grandpa Bobglegbhabob crawled out of the primordial ooze... I always just at the chance to use the term 'primordial ooze' its just so ninja turtle, I love it! Anyway back to the cat, she is basically a semi clone of Tula Ben's cat (Drew's brother, who I should call to hang more often at our gatherings, but he is always ladying it up that sexi bastard).
She is incredibly awesome though, I fell in love with her within the first day. I would say what sold it for me was her immediate coolness with my crabby aging puppy Kiley (I can totally call her a puppy and aging in the same sentence, bugger off!). They basically went through the usual ass end inspection and then were good to go, I am assuming it is their Grayness that bonds them, Kiley probably thinks she is looking in a mirror, per cataract dog. Hmmm, I am clearly living with the Gray nesters now, Darren would be so happy. But yea, she is ridiculous portly, made all the more silly by her tiny and petite head. She is so huge that our old cat box can't contain her awesome girth. Its an exciting poo explosion in there, Its almost as if Michael Bay directs her bowel movements.
(I was going to try and find a picture with bay directing an explosion, but that smile was just to perfect... Google image search + paint shop + 1 minute of effort = win!)
Its been so long since I wrote last I have so much catching up to do, but I'll cover more in future posts, I don't want to log down (is that the right phrase? log down... can't be... bog down... yes bog down.... ohh well, I'm log'n this one down) the maaaybe one person who has this on their RSS feed. In short, Zombie Nights are so far unparalleled success, Chiefs are on the comeback trail, my magic decks are unstoppable, and the price of schlop in China must have gone up cause King ate up like 7 bones yesterday, price raising bastards; How am I to feel disgustingly cheap if I am paying that much, gross class!
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