My blog is taking a disturbingly feline bent, but so is my home, so I guess it makes sense. Last Thursday (I think) while Mark and I were playing magic (Jealous?) a tiny black fur ball appeared outside and caught Jessica's attention (obviously). She sent me out with her on a cat hunting expedition, however this cat wasn't having our reindeer games. He/she didn't so much 'run' away from us, as trot away at a controlled pace keeping us at no less then 6 feet away at all times. We foolishly made a lunge for the cat down by the fire pit which freaked it out good and proper and I assumed that would be the last we heard from it....
But low and behold it came back every other day save one, Jessica as you Can imagine began feeding and falling in love with the cat at a break neck speed. Over the course of the next few days the cat was fed and studied ala the Geiko commercials.
Last night I went to the fridge to get some ice for my tasty sweet tea which involves opening the sliding door because in our ghetto rific house you can't open the freezer all the way and still keep the door closed; who would want to though, honestly. Then I notice a pathetic little meow through the screen door and see the kitty staring inside and crying (it should be noted that it was raining and cold and terrible outside at this time). Jessica craftily used this opportunity to lure the cat into our home by placing her food just enough in the house that the kitten (did I mention it was a kitten before this? If I didn't its a totally tiny kitten) had to enter the house to snack. Then whilst the kitten was busy eating she snuck around the back of the house and closed the screen door behind the cat without it even noticing.
Once said kitten, whom we call 'boots' or 'socks' its still up in the air, (she is a tiny black cat with white feet, I could not find a picture that gave her feral green crazy eyes, and Albert Einstein like fur proper attention) was finished eating she realized her egregious error. Then came the 4 hours of hilarious fear and anger...
She sat huddled by the now closed door for a while, then once we got her to move away from the screen door just a bit we attempted to close the sliding glass door, during which time she would scurry back and forth attempting to get smashed. She then tentatively wandered around the kitchen until our new cat Emma approached her. But since Emma is a big fat sweetheart they got along just fine immediately. She even got along fine with Kiley, but she was most certainly not having any of our shit. I'm fairly certain she's under the impression that we are T-rex's and if she stands really still then we can't possibly see her and thereby eat her. She is all about finding a too tiny spot, backing into it, and staring out with her crazy eyes filled with fear if we approach. If you have been in our bathroom you know how low the big white towel holder sits to the ground, when Jessica attempted to show the cat where we made her poo box, she crammed herself under that, and stayed there until we went to bed, haha. She is really cute, and hopefully will become more friendly as time goes by, otherwise we eats her!
(I forgot to mention that about 10 minutes after we got the sliding glass door closed something spooked boots and she charged for the glass door. She even did an awesome little victory leap on her approach. But with the door closed this quickly turned into a victory smash, followed by a ninja quick 180 turn around, back into door, stare out terror filled eyes, CHEESE TO A CORNER! was some funny stuff)
In other news... I finished painting the house last week! And was rewarded by the wife immediately giving me more 'home improvement' tasks to accomplish. She needs a lobotomy of whatever part of her brain forces her to constantly want to make change with the house. I'm of the mindset that you do a little some'n some'n every now and then, and in the in between time you just enjoy the house, but she can't ever seem to enjoy. All she see's is problems. She's like Spawn or Raistlin and only see's death, haha.
Aside from that all I have been up to is catching up on my TV shows, I really love this new show called Sons of Anarchy or something like that. It's on FX and is a pretty quality show. We have also started playing football on the weekends which has been ridiculous fun, but I think we may miss out this weekend, I am trying to rectify that though... Ohh and I get to go to a Chiefs game with Mark, so that really really owns. Sadly it is against the Titans so it will probably end in shame and pain, but whatever, that just means more Colquitt!
sweet sweet raistlin. chiefs are gonna kick ass!
sucka jones
I'm very amused that in our football leauge - Colquitt and Janakowiski are two favourites.
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