The weathermen better be correct about it getting warmer come Halloween... Whats the point of getting going out on Halloween if its to cold for women to exercise their right (or excuse) to dress slutty on Halloween! It was ball suckingly cold this morning, mine may have been sticking out my backside they were so chilly on my walk to the car. But it looks as though it should be mid 60s by Friday, I'll put a mean hex on the mad scientists who control the weather if this isn't true! Luckily it definitely looks like no rain, which is great since we are having an outdoor party on Saturday.
So on to actual news.....
In an ironic twist I actually got that job I interviewed for (after a 2+ hour long interview, blech); and then ended up being told I didn't want it by everyone I know, haha. I know they are all correct in it being wise for me to just walk away, but I still don't 'want' to. I'm tired of being told by everyone I work with at my last two jobs "why are you here, your blah blah blah for this place." I'd like to be somewhere that has actual expectations... meaning that just because I can create 7 out of 3 and 4 I'm not going to 'wow' my fellow coworkers. I'd like to be somewhere that I can be a 'professional' whatever the hell that means, but I guess that is what I am looking for... Ohh well, back to pretending to work and going nowhere.....
(ohh yea, I forgot to mention why everyone told me not to take it. Basically its an insurance salesmen job that is all commission. It has high potential earnings, but nothing guaranteed. Personally I think I would be good at it, which is why I wanted to take it, but I understand the risks and why I have to turn it down. The idea of being able to be my own boss was very tempting however).
Please say that some of you that read this actual watched the Chiefs game, because that game was soooo satisfying for me. I had a dream on Friday night that Thigpen was going to be our Quarterback of the future, it was a very odd dream, and very real feeling. I remember thinking in the dream, how weird is it that we have had this Billy Idol weirdo as our Quarterback for 15 years.... Anyway, I mentioned this at the diner I went to with friends on Saturday night, it was met with lots of mockery, haha. Which is to be expected, I clearly didn't actually believe Thigpen was going to be that awesome, but it made his glory on Sunday all the more satisfying. I know he didn't complete any long balls, but I didn't think the couple of long balls he threw were poorly thrown. He looked absolutely amazing to me, admit idly this is through a zero expectations "Holy crap Palin didn't throw up or speak in tongues during the debate" type of lense. Both his play and Bradley's play (as well as the usual sweetness of Bowe) allows me some of that silver lining I didn't think I would see this season.
On the downside it might mean that Sucka Jones and myself can't go to anymore Chiefs games, but its a sacrifice I am willing to make for my team, haha. I've got a new costume idea (besides the Zombie Viking that I will be rocking at the party at my house). I am going to be the commedian on Halloween night. Sucka Jones is being Rorschach, and Schwumps is trying to throw together a Nite Owl costume so it just made sense. Plus his outfit is so simple, and I could rock it again next year if the movie ever comes out, only better next year of course. This year it will be pretty damn thrown together, but his costume is simple so as long as people don't think I am a really really terrible captain America I am wining, haha.
I'm really looking forward to this week in food. Jys and I spent a retarded sum of money at the grocery store last week, so we have a really large, bountiful list of menu items. Plus at some point this week we are going to rock 'German night.' Which for me means Sauerkraut and Sausage with Mashed taters, and for her means beer; so we both win pretty hard. I'm going to try to use German night to Lure Jones into helping me gather fire wood for like an hour... Tasty Beer and Brats Jones... you know you want it!
Well tired of typing up my mindless chatter for 2 maybe 3 people to read. Until next time, I leave you with these parting words... Thigpen - Believe the Dream!
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Think ya make the right job decision, gotta stick with a sure thing especially the way the economy is now. Have fun at you halloween party, guess my invitation got lost in the mail? Stay out of the Poision Ivy while you gather firewood and since when do you like Sauerkraut! love mom
haha, You can totally come, but I am not responsible for my own actions or anyone elses at the party :) Remind Chad and Amy that I invited those louts as well.
And honestly mail? You could have at least tried to be hip and asked if it got lost in the series of tubes and magic that is the web, haha. love you Mom!
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