I've been working a fair bit of overtime lately, not an insane amount by any means; but any overtime worked by muah is a lot. As a result of this I basically did absolutely nothing last weekend, caught up on a few shows and got a little sleep, but that in a nutshell is all I did. I'm planing on having a trifle more fun this weekend, but we shall see. Not much else to report on besides the excitement of last night.
We decided to green up the house and get some of that recycled blown insulation stuff. It led to a messy wild night of attic adventures. I wish we had been wise enough to take some pictures, but we never think to do that. Basically we ended up looking like we stumbled out of a collapsed building in a Hollywood movie. I'm not sure how Jessica could breath up in the attic even with the breathing mask. She's probably going to be coughing up cat style hairballs all week now. But for all the work I was really glad we got it done, and putting if off doesn't do you any good because it will hopefully save us a few cents everyday. I was skeptical of how much of a change it would make, but when I awoke this morning and wandered around our house it was actually fairly warm even with the heater set to 68. Normally it takes an incredible burst of will power for me to get out of bed in the morning because it is so cold outside of my cocoon, but not so this morning.
I'm afraid (hard to not finish 'I'm afraid' with 'of Americans) that is about all I have to post about, not a very fun read I would imagine. But I've had a mostly not fun, boring to live through last couple of weeks, so you can now feel my pain. Although magic with Markimus prime on Tuesday was great fun. Ohh and watching the Chiefs game was super fun. I didn't like the play Chan called up, but I love that Herm went for two, made me like him alot more. I hope the rest of our season sorta plays out like that game. Look like we are improving, make some bonehead plays, and barely lose the game. Its brilliant!
Thigpen: Believe the Dream!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Religion has once again dumped on my parade.
I wanted this post to be all about my joy of Barack Obama wining the Presidency. And don't get me wrong, I am thrilled. I had to wear my 'Obama 08' T-shirt 2 days in a row. It's sort of like rocking a KU shirt at work after they beat Missouri or Texas or Kansas State. Ohh the sweet satisfaction of rubbing it in. But I went ahead and threw all my euphoria into the crapper. The reason for this is that I remembered to check on the early results to Proposition 8 (The disgusting revoking of the right to same sex marriage in Cali).... I read this in Wallstreet Journal this morning....
"Early poll results Tuesday night showed California voters leaning toward overturning same-sex marriage in the state in a decision that could impact how the issue plays out elsewhere in the nation.
Approval of Proposition 8 would be a stunning upset in a $70-million campaign that just weeks ago looked to be running in favor of preserving gay marriage rights.
By 12:34 a.m. in California, 53.1% of voters favored passing Prop 8, as the measure is known, and 46.9% were against it, with 60% of precincts voting, according to the Secretary of State. However, both sides cautioned the vote could be very close and that it might still be early to declare a winner.
The passage of Prop 8, as it is known, would be a major victory for religious conservatives seeking to ban gay marriage in other states, and a crippling setback for the gay rights movement nationwide."
Now admitidly, it's not for sure, but it saddens me deeply that it is even close. I don't even think you should be allowed to vote on hateful, ignorant, backwards crap like this. The right of any two people to get 'married' should not be controlled by the state (or nation). If they are cool with 'civil unions' then what the hell is the deal with Marriage. It doesn't seem like you should even be allowed to vote on garbage like this, it feels like if Kansas randomly had a Proposition to make Hispanics use different bathrooms or something. Its just disgusting, and fills me with anger.
I even have a strange anger towards Jessica's mother this morning just because I can totally see her voting for something like this; and it makes me sad to know that not only do these people exist, but they are in my family, haha. Not only that, but her mother is well educated and practices reasoning in most of her decisions. Life would make more sense if I could just assume that the people who vote on acts like this actually are ignorant, mildly retarded members of our community. Unfortunately that is just not the case, and maybe I am being to hard on these people ('these people', now I sound like a bigot, haha). Its hard for me to put myself in their shoes (the heavily religious), just as I am sure its hard for them to look at the world through my eyes (when yur dead, yur dead). And heck, maybe her mother wouldn't vote for such a despicable bill, but even having to 'think' that she would just craps on my day. Anyway, I hope no one bothers to check this blog that is still flying high on Obama hope fumes.
I think in this post I refered to prop 8 as a prop, bill and act.... don't mind that, haha.
Obama: Believe the Dream! (haha)
"Early poll results Tuesday night showed California voters leaning toward overturning same-sex marriage in the state in a decision that could impact how the issue plays out elsewhere in the nation.
Approval of Proposition 8 would be a stunning upset in a $70-million campaign that just weeks ago looked to be running in favor of preserving gay marriage rights.
By 12:34 a.m. in California, 53.1% of voters favored passing Prop 8, as the measure is known, and 46.9% were against it, with 60% of precincts voting, according to the Secretary of State. However, both sides cautioned the vote could be very close and that it might still be early to declare a winner.
The passage of Prop 8, as it is known, would be a major victory for religious conservatives seeking to ban gay marriage in other states, and a crippling setback for the gay rights movement nationwide."
Now admitidly, it's not for sure, but it saddens me deeply that it is even close. I don't even think you should be allowed to vote on hateful, ignorant, backwards crap like this. The right of any two people to get 'married' should not be controlled by the state (or nation). If they are cool with 'civil unions' then what the hell is the deal with Marriage. It doesn't seem like you should even be allowed to vote on garbage like this, it feels like if Kansas randomly had a Proposition to make Hispanics use different bathrooms or something. Its just disgusting, and fills me with anger.
I even have a strange anger towards Jessica's mother this morning just because I can totally see her voting for something like this; and it makes me sad to know that not only do these people exist, but they are in my family, haha. Not only that, but her mother is well educated and practices reasoning in most of her decisions. Life would make more sense if I could just assume that the people who vote on acts like this actually are ignorant, mildly retarded members of our community. Unfortunately that is just not the case, and maybe I am being to hard on these people ('these people', now I sound like a bigot, haha). Its hard for me to put myself in their shoes (the heavily religious), just as I am sure its hard for them to look at the world through my eyes (when yur dead, yur dead). And heck, maybe her mother wouldn't vote for such a despicable bill, but even having to 'think' that she would just craps on my day. Anyway, I hope no one bothers to check this blog that is still flying high on Obama hope fumes.
I think in this post I refered to prop 8 as a prop, bill and act.... don't mind that, haha.
Obama: Believe the Dream! (haha)
Monday, November 03, 2008
Without Further Ado!

Jessica posted the pictures sooner then I would have imagined... So here are some photo snippets I felt like putting up on here. To discover the adventure behind the photo's read the entry before this. Plus these pictures are in no particular order, I was to lazy to reorder them after posting. Hope you enjoyed. Click on em to see actual detail, heh.
Its a long long road, OUT OF HELL!
That was a very dramatic weekend. I guess the easiest way to type it up is to make this chronological... And to mention this right now, I don't have any pictures to put up of Halloween right now, hopefully either Jessica will put them on facebook / her blog soon. Or I will bring some in on a flash drive and post them here. I'll probably do that regardless actually, if I ever remember. Now on to the show....
I was lucky enough this year to have my rotation day off fall on Halloween, so I was able to use all day Friday to get my costume together, which seemed like a fine plan with plenty of 'time' for error. As per my usual agreement with Past Bob (he's that no good son of a bitch that sloughs problems into the over-burdened lap of Future Bob) I did not actually leave enuff time for the Wal-inspired Temper-tantrums that were to follow...(dramatic pause)...I eventually began my day at Walmart, a fine purveyor of cheap crappola, making it the number 1 destination for cash strapped trick or treaters (read as everyone). I went in there with my list of needed goods, dignity, sanity and hopes/dreams. 1-2 hours later I left the store... but it seems as though I accidentally lost all of those items save the list within the hallowed halls of Walsmart.
It all mostly stemmed from my Dramater (I decided that is what a Drama Odometer would be called) clocking in at about 10 clicks past "Ohh Gash!". I needed a few simple items that I assumed would be gettable from Walsmart (suspenders, black pants, ball) and a make-up item for my dear Geisha (Jessica). I went after the suspenders first, because they were pretty crucial to my outfit.... I then wandered around men's department for so long I began hallucinating suspenders like a desert mirages. I even asked the Walsmart employee's for assistance which led to many dog chasing its tail type adventures. These eventually led to myself and the Walsmart employee who I was now fast friends with finding that although they had a giant suspenders rack, capable of holding at least 100 suspenders they were completely sold out... not one pair. This created the first crack in my sanity, which was widened when the exact same adventure took place in women's cosmetics while looking for Jessica's item. I then spent a confusing 15 minutes hunting down some ladies leggings for Derrick, which he then pro ceded to not use in his costume and is clearly meant for 'theme night' at the D-Bones household.
I just realized how much time I have spent on Walmart, so lets just make the rest of this brief. The long and short of it is I had a brain meltdown version of a wardrobe malfunction and had to coax myself out of it by getting a pair of black pants for 7 dollars that were marked as 65 dollar pants (woo JC Penny!); which I later chose to share my half digested lunch with, but that's getting ahead of the story. I eventually was able to put together my costuming (The Comedian from Watchmen, don't worry, its not just you; no one knows who it is). Eventually being the key word, we had planned to gather for dinner around 7:30, I didn't finish sewing my suspenders on (I ended up creating my own suspenders, eat yur heart out Martha) until 8:00. The night then looked as though it was going to go off without a hitch: Jessica in a very well done Geisha costume and I met up with Schwumps, riddick and Captain forgot his name and we had some bloody glorious Sushi (I want to take a moment to mention that Schwumps costume was out of this world awesome, I promise to get a picture up sometime this week!)... Shortly here after the wickedness of Halloween reared its beautiful, crystal clear head, and attacked me from the depths of my trunk.
After leaving the restaurant we met up with Mark (who made up the other part of our Watchmen Trio) and went for Trunk Vodka..... The problem with Vodka drinking, and Trunk Vodka drinking in particular is that you don't actually know how drunk you are until about 15 minutes after the binge is over. I apparently drank waaay to much in this period and all of a sudden my night was off and ruining, unfortunately it left my brain in the gutter next to the trunk.
My memories or the rest of the night are jumbled, jolly and probably wrong. But the way I understand it I yelled vehemently at anyone without a costume on; should of had my ass handed to me on several occasions; left various phone messages on various phones; ran into another group of Watchmen - shamed them utterly and moved on; ran into Angela in her Cheetwhora costume; consumed more Trunk Vodka; revel revel revel; and blackness. What came later in the night can only be described with such eloquent words as 'douchbaggery', 'disgusting' and 'violent'. Suffice to say Jessica was displeased and I awoke alone and confused.
The only bright side of this is that I now plan to enact a far better system of drinking; screw ever drinking out of a hard liquor bottle again, I'll have my flask and call it good. Its not fun for me to be that drunk, its definitely not a good time for my wife, and only the most hardy and foolish of people (read as John) probably get any enjoyment out of me at this stage of disrepair. I still had fun that night, but lessened the fun of others, was wildly hungover, and puked all over a perfectly good costume.
Now to brighter days for Bob and dark, shame filled days for Hamid - Saturday night Bob House Party!
The misses and I had a whirlwind day of "uhhhgggg I'm hung over" ... "I did what last night, I'm sorry" ... "blehhh time to go vote and hit up the AE employee sale"..."Hurray voting was super easy, Go Obama!"..."Holy crap, I didn't know there were enough shirts back there for you to buy that many, well done Madam!"..."chop chop, stab, cut (wood)"....."you do know you basically put yourself up naked on our table in brown form" - followed by - "don't be a jackass Bob"...."Is anyone showing up to this party?" ... "Is anyone cooler then Mark Schmeltz showing up to this party" ... "Ohh snap, its the Jesus; THE PARTY HAS BEGUN!"
After a short period of hmm, are Mark, Soomin, Jessica and I going to have ourselves a quiet night in... people arrived. I've already told everyone, but I may as well blog it as well. I was super surprised at the effort everyone put forth on costuming. Not only was everyone save one lass in a costume, but most of them were in fairly elaborate costume, varying from heroic, to comedic, to bear-fuckeric; twas fantastic. After I ran a short errand (had to pick up my viking helmet after the double fail of John/Pichu) I set the bon fire off (which was sort of unneeded on such a warm evening) and the fun began. It was a mostly low key party, there was a fair bit of Tippee cup, or flip cup, or 'Brrrdurrrmmm! *think trumpety noize* cup; whatever you want to call it. Other wise just a lot of talking, sitting, dancing, and the now Bob Party Requisite GERMAN DISCO GLOW STICK SHOW! I take 0 responsibility in this happening again, I was going to let a few parties sneak in before that debacle struck again. Sometime around German Disco Light show I began to wonder where Hamid had gotten off to... and now begins a tale of shame.....
Apparently what had happened to our good friend Blunt man is that he found himself pantless and throwing up in our bathroom. Which isn't all that horrible; the real crime was his failure to lock the door at a party where the most unsavory of people (coughJohncough) lurk. The rest of his night was probably a blur of visitors, snap photography, grumbles, shambles and shame. I felt bad for the guy, but the situation was nigh unstoppable. Luckily he got a chance to take a nap on the always comfortable 'slab o concrete' so that must have been nice for him. I haven't seen the pictures since that night, but he's in for a special treat whenever those leak out into the series of tubes and voodoo magic some buffoons call the Internet.
Sunday was a day to relax, clean and watch Thigpen. I really like the way our offense is progressing. From the O-line to the Wide outs we look soooooo much better then we did at the start. Unfortunately all the wheels have come off the Linebacker bus... Mark came out for some Magic, then Jessica, Mark and I watched the vast array of eye candy that Sunday night HBO offers. It was good. Plus Jessica cooked us up a yummy pizza (thanks sweets) But now it is Monday and I am at work, so life is now back to normal. I hope everyone else had a fun and interesting Halloween weekend as well.
Tyler Thigpen: Believe the Dream!
I was lucky enough this year to have my rotation day off fall on Halloween, so I was able to use all day Friday to get my costume together, which seemed like a fine plan with plenty of 'time' for error. As per my usual agreement with Past Bob (he's that no good son of a bitch that sloughs problems into the over-burdened lap of Future Bob) I did not actually leave enuff time for the Wal-inspired Temper-tantrums that were to follow...(dramatic pause)...I eventually began my day at Walmart, a fine purveyor of cheap crappola, making it the number 1 destination for cash strapped trick or treaters (read as everyone). I went in there with my list of needed goods, dignity, sanity and hopes/dreams. 1-2 hours later I left the store... but it seems as though I accidentally lost all of those items save the list within the hallowed halls of Walsmart.
It all mostly stemmed from my Dramater (I decided that is what a Drama Odometer would be called) clocking in at about 10 clicks past "Ohh Gash!". I needed a few simple items that I assumed would be gettable from Walsmart (suspenders, black pants, ball) and a make-up item for my dear Geisha (Jessica). I went after the suspenders first, because they were pretty crucial to my outfit.... I then wandered around men's department for so long I began hallucinating suspenders like a desert mirages. I even asked the Walsmart employee's for assistance which led to many dog chasing its tail type adventures. These eventually led to myself and the Walsmart employee who I was now fast friends with finding that although they had a giant suspenders rack, capable of holding at least 100 suspenders they were completely sold out... not one pair. This created the first crack in my sanity, which was widened when the exact same adventure took place in women's cosmetics while looking for Jessica's item. I then spent a confusing 15 minutes hunting down some ladies leggings for Derrick, which he then pro ceded to not use in his costume and is clearly meant for 'theme night' at the D-Bones household.
I just realized how much time I have spent on Walmart, so lets just make the rest of this brief. The long and short of it is I had a brain meltdown version of a wardrobe malfunction and had to coax myself out of it by getting a pair of black pants for 7 dollars that were marked as 65 dollar pants (woo JC Penny!); which I later chose to share my half digested lunch with, but that's getting ahead of the story. I eventually was able to put together my costuming (The Comedian from Watchmen, don't worry, its not just you; no one knows who it is). Eventually being the key word, we had planned to gather for dinner around 7:30, I didn't finish sewing my suspenders on (I ended up creating my own suspenders, eat yur heart out Martha) until 8:00. The night then looked as though it was going to go off without a hitch: Jessica in a very well done Geisha costume and I met up with Schwumps, riddick and Captain forgot his name and we had some bloody glorious Sushi (I want to take a moment to mention that Schwumps costume was out of this world awesome, I promise to get a picture up sometime this week!)... Shortly here after the wickedness of Halloween reared its beautiful, crystal clear head, and attacked me from the depths of my trunk.
After leaving the restaurant we met up with Mark (who made up the other part of our Watchmen Trio) and went for Trunk Vodka..... The problem with Vodka drinking, and Trunk Vodka drinking in particular is that you don't actually know how drunk you are until about 15 minutes after the binge is over. I apparently drank waaay to much in this period and all of a sudden my night was off and ruining, unfortunately it left my brain in the gutter next to the trunk.
My memories or the rest of the night are jumbled, jolly and probably wrong. But the way I understand it I yelled vehemently at anyone without a costume on; should of had my ass handed to me on several occasions; left various phone messages on various phones; ran into another group of Watchmen - shamed them utterly and moved on; ran into Angela in her Cheetwhora costume; consumed more Trunk Vodka; revel revel revel; and blackness. What came later in the night can only be described with such eloquent words as 'douchbaggery', 'disgusting' and 'violent'. Suffice to say Jessica was displeased and I awoke alone and confused.
The only bright side of this is that I now plan to enact a far better system of drinking; screw ever drinking out of a hard liquor bottle again, I'll have my flask and call it good. Its not fun for me to be that drunk, its definitely not a good time for my wife, and only the most hardy and foolish of people (read as John) probably get any enjoyment out of me at this stage of disrepair. I still had fun that night, but lessened the fun of others, was wildly hungover, and puked all over a perfectly good costume.
Now to brighter days for Bob and dark, shame filled days for Hamid - Saturday night Bob House Party!
The misses and I had a whirlwind day of "uhhhgggg I'm hung over" ... "I did what last night, I'm sorry" ... "blehhh time to go vote and hit up the AE employee sale"..."Hurray voting was super easy, Go Obama!"..."Holy crap, I didn't know there were enough shirts back there for you to buy that many, well done Madam!"..."chop chop, stab, cut (wood)"....."you do know you basically put yourself up naked on our table in brown form" - followed by - "don't be a jackass Bob"...."Is anyone showing up to this party?" ... "Is anyone cooler then Mark Schmeltz showing up to this party
After a short period of hmm, are Mark, Soomin, Jessica and I going to have ourselves a quiet night in... people arrived. I've already told everyone, but I may as well blog it as well. I was super surprised at the effort everyone put forth on costuming. Not only was everyone save one lass in a costume, but most of them were in fairly elaborate costume, varying from heroic, to comedic, to bear-fuckeric; twas fantastic. After I ran a short errand (had to pick up my viking helmet after the double fail of John/Pichu) I set the bon fire off (which was sort of unneeded on such a warm evening) and the fun began. It was a mostly low key party, there was a fair bit of Tippee cup, or flip cup, or 'Brrrdurrrmmm! *think trumpety noize* cup; whatever you want to call it. Other wise just a lot of talking, sitting, dancing, and the now Bob Party Requisite GERMAN DISCO GLOW STICK SHOW! I take 0 responsibility in this happening again, I was going to let a few parties sneak in before that debacle struck again. Sometime around German Disco Light show I began to wonder where Hamid had gotten off to... and now begins a tale of shame.....
Apparently what had happened to our good friend Blunt man is that he found himself pantless and throwing up in our bathroom. Which isn't all that horrible; the real crime was his failure to lock the door at a party where the most unsavory of people (coughJohncough) lurk. The rest of his night was probably a blur of visitors, snap photography, grumbles, shambles and shame. I felt bad for the guy, but the situation was nigh unstoppable. Luckily he got a chance to take a nap on the always comfortable 'slab o concrete' so that must have been nice for him. I haven't seen the pictures since that night, but he's in for a special treat whenever those leak out into the series of tubes and voodoo magic some buffoons call the Internet.
Sunday was a day to relax, clean and watch Thigpen. I really like the way our offense is progressing. From the O-line to the Wide outs we look soooooo much better then we did at the start. Unfortunately all the wheels have come off the Linebacker bus... Mark came out for some Magic, then Jessica, Mark and I watched the vast array of eye candy that Sunday night HBO offers. It was good. Plus Jessica cooked us up a yummy pizza (thanks sweets) But now it is Monday and I am at work, so life is now back to normal. I hope everyone else had a fun and interesting Halloween weekend as well.
Tyler Thigpen: Believe the Dream!
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