Thursday, November 13, 2008

Super busy, super lame

I've been working a fair bit of overtime lately, not an insane amount by any means; but any overtime worked by muah is a lot. As a result of this I basically did absolutely nothing last weekend, caught up on a few shows and got a little sleep, but that in a nutshell is all I did. I'm planing on having a trifle more fun this weekend, but we shall see. Not much else to report on besides the excitement of last night.

We decided to green up the house and get some of that recycled blown insulation stuff. It led to a messy wild night of attic adventures. I wish we had been wise enough to take some pictures, but we never think to do that. Basically we ended up looking like we stumbled out of a collapsed building in a Hollywood movie. I'm not sure how Jessica could breath up in the attic even with the breathing mask. She's probably going to be coughing up cat style hairballs all week now. But for all the work I was really glad we got it done, and putting if off doesn't do you any good because it will hopefully save us a few cents everyday. I was skeptical of how much of a change it would make, but when I awoke this morning and wandered around our house it was actually fairly warm even with the heater set to 68. Normally it takes an incredible burst of will power for me to get out of bed in the morning because it is so cold outside of my cocoon, but not so this morning.

I'm afraid (hard to not finish 'I'm afraid' with 'of Americans) that is about all I have to post about, not a very fun read I would imagine. But I've had a mostly not fun, boring to live through last couple of weeks, so you can now feel my pain. Although magic with Markimus prime on Tuesday was great fun. Ohh and watching the Chiefs game was super fun. I didn't like the play Chan called up, but I love that Herm went for two, made me like him alot more. I hope the rest of our season sorta plays out like that game. Look like we are improving, make some bonehead plays, and barely lose the game. Its brilliant!

Thigpen: Believe the Dream!

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