Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Trippin out
All of that being said I've had a really good couple of weeks. The NBA playoffs are all over TV right now so I've gotten in ample basketball watching, and for the most part the playoffs are proceeding how I would like (so far). I managed to play a little flag football before the tornadic weather rolled through which is quasi exercise and lots of fun. The rest of the week was mostly about chilling, but it was all relaxing and enjoyable.
The real glory is hopefully coming this weekend when I plan to spend a week mostly drunk at Interfuse, this year will be TOTALLY different from last year. Although last year was a little cold the weather was mostly nice out, this year its basically rain 80% of the time we are going to be there, should be wet, sloppy and fun!
I'll toss up a big post interfuse post, Everyone have a great weekend.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Get down with the Sickness
I also haven't been able to throw up any updates from home because I got slam danced by a virus. Conflickr came through and wrecked some house on both of our home computers and I've spent most of my free time jacking around with that. Mike has also been most helpful in getting this resolved. The laptop is finally up and running again and I hope to get my home PC all shored up tonight so I can get back to dorfy mischief.
The rents came out on Wednesday which was grand fun until I attempted to copy a wedding DVD they needed duped. That is when I found out the laptop was infected and was merrily infecting my PC over the network. This obviously frustrated me and put me in a sour mood for the remainder of their trip out, hopefully they still had a good time. The Brady monster came out as well and had a good old time holding baby chicks. Although I can hardly say baby anymore, they are like 10yr olds or something already, they grow ridic fast.
The only other shenanigans I got up to this past week was to enjoy a fantastic (and possibly final) party at Angelumps. They hosted a BBQ out at their pad that around 10-12 of us attended. We ate yummy not good for us food, played football, drank drinks, yelled at fatties, fantasised about Ben Farmer, discussed breast men, and in all that excitement John somehow avoided a broken ankle! The reason it may be the last hurrah for their house is that they had a single mom and her three mistakes move in downstairs, blech! I think Der needs to plant asbestos everywhere and get them the heck on out of there. Their backyard is a great spring/summer time hangout spot for all of us in Lawrence, better then anyone else's pad for sure. Ohh wells, maybe if my parents actually get that lawn mower out to my house we can keep our yard in good enough condition to have it be usable for similar events; we shall see.
I apologize for the mostly boring post, not giving it much effort this morning. Off to do some work, BAI!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Dorfs Dorfs Dorfs Dorfs
Jessica immediately became mesmerized by their maddening peeps and terrifying 'clump tactics'. I remain ever vigilant against their evil ways, and am learning the cat up to be my Holy Champion against the darkness. Wish me luck, I'll need it!
In all seriousness I think my tolerance of said chickens and willingness to help has earned me some DF leeway from the wife. Even if that is not the reason why, I'm thankful to her all the same. I also endeared myself to her yesterday by helping my Dad till or whatever her garden. It was more work then I thought it would be, but it was a wonderful day, and it wasn't really that much work. Plus it was good as always to see David, I haven't seen them much lately. And he had a GREAT idea for the water problem in our front yard. Whenever we actually start on that project I'll unveil the details of his mad genius.
Other than that life has been pretty pedestrian. Went to a birthday bash for my Dad at my parents over the weekend and picked up some lumber from my other Dad. The lumber came from this terrifyingly huge play structure he had in the backyard. If I still have a picture of it on this computer I'll toss it onto the end of the post. Which reminds me I need volunteers to help me get this hilarious 'bouncy bridge' (to the right on the picture) from my Dad's. It seems as though it would be great fun when drunk. I plan to pick that up in the next week or two.
I'm also vaguely aware there was a championship game Monday night, but my hatred for UNC forced me to mostly ignore this happening. I hear tell that they trounced, may they all get herpes! Almost time for break here in work land, until next time...
I almost forgot, when looking for pictures of Dwarf Fortress I came across this hilarious weather foretelling device!