<- Cute Dorfs!
Way more accuratly depicted Dorfs! - -->
OMG, get the shorties out of my brain! I seriously must have greatly underestimated my wife's tolerance level because she has been absolutely great to me the last few days. My brain has been completely devoured by Dwarf Fortress. It's all I want to do, and its basically all I've been doing. She has taken it all in stride and hasn't complained one bit. I've tried to watch a little TV with her and such, but really I'm wholly consumed by my next batch of migrants in my head. Although there may be some other factors in her above and beyond kindness which I will get into later.
Anyway, a little bit about Dwarf Fortress. Its an ASCII based game (we play a graphically enhanced 'mod' of the game that looks like the picture at the top right) that is part RPG, part Sim City and part the Sims. Its without a doubt the most complex and deep game I have ever played, bar none. I've played it for about a week and I've barely scratched the surface, and I've not mastered a single aspect of the game, besides the 'laugh your ass off' step.
Anyway, this addiction all began thanks to the most hilarious thing I've ever found on the interweb. Behold BOATMURDERED! (at this point I was going to post a link, but they are all blocked here at work, so look it up yourself ya lazy slabs!). Its a 'succession' game blog about the fortress of boatmurdered (the games randomly generated fortress name). Basically several people each ran the fort for one full game year, saved it, and passed it on to the next bloke. They took screen shots and wrote about their adventures at the helm. If you find that blog to be boring, stupid or uninteresting please unfriend me on facebook, disown me from your family and erase my phone number from your contact lists. John, Mike and myself being inspired by that brilliance decided to begin our own escapades in succession DF gaming. I took my turn at the helm a couple of nights ago . I then made about every mistake I could make, but ohh well! It was good fun all the same.
Despite the insane amount of DF being played there have been other happenings at my home stead. Late Monday night I awoke to a a grumbling coming from my basement. I stupidly decided to do some 'investigative reporting' only to find a MUMMY trapped in my basement. He'd got his foot caught in the muck hole/drainage pipe in the basement. I laughed at his misfortunes and that ended up being a mistake. He yelled 'CHHHUUUURRRZZZ' at me, which is apparently drunk mummy for 'curse' and then started talking about the '16 bringers of stink and noise, who would ensorcel my wife to do their bidding'. At this point I assumed this was all a dream and so I helped the Mummy unhook his foot and sent him on his way. He left grumbling something about heading over to watch scrambled porn with Carl.
The next morning the truth in his words became true at about 9Am...

Jessica immediately became mesmerized by their maddening peeps and terrifying 'clump tactics'. I remain ever vigilant against their evil ways, and am learning the cat up to be my Holy Champion against the darkness. Wish me luck, I'll need it!
In all seriousness I think my tolerance of said chickens and willingness to help has earned me some DF leeway from the wife. Even if that is not the reason why, I'm thankful to her all the same. I also endeared myself to her yesterday by helping my Dad till or whatever her garden. It was more work then I thought it would be, but it was a wonderful day, and it wasn't really that much work. Plus it was good as always to see David, I haven't seen them much lately. And he had a GREAT idea for the water problem in our front yard. Whenever we actually start on that project I'll unveil the details of his mad genius.
Other than that life has been pretty pedestrian. Went to a birthday bash for my Dad at my parents over the weekend and picked up some lumber from my other Dad. The lumber came from this terrifyingly huge play structure he had in the backyard. If I still have a picture of it on this computer I'll toss it onto the end of the post. Which reminds me I need volunteers to help me get this hilarious 'bouncy bridge' (to the right on the picture) from my Dad's. It seems as though it would be great fun when drunk. I plan to pick that up in the next week or two.
I'm also vaguely aware there was a championship game Monday night, but my hatred for UNC forced me to mostly ignore this happening. I hear tell that they trounced, may they all get herpes! Almost time for break here in work land, until next time...
The Play Structure
I almost forgot, when looking for pictures of Dwarf Fortress I came across this hilarious weather foretelling device!

1 comment:
hahaha. that stone thing is really funny.
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