Thursday, December 22, 2005

Deep disappointment

I have been forced to rethink this 'engagement' thing, I gave my dearest Miss Jessica the following quotes that I randomly read on a site, feeling they were funny. "Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did. Chuck Norris only masturbates to pictures of Chuck Norris". To which she replied "Who is Chuck Norris." Now admittedly the Chuckster is pretty damn lame, but Chumon, who doesn't know the Texas Bloody Ranger, He kicks the foreign outta baddies all the time. Has a bagazillion crappy action movies, and he is in Dodgeball - amongst the greatest cinema masterpieces of all time. But considering Momma Harry decided they should live the 80's and early 90's in a real life little house on the prairie I can see how this happened. So I suppose I must forgive her, but still, CHUCK EFFIN NORRIS! On a happier note, Tina Bopper (Michaels <-Jessica's brother> girl acquaintance Tina) and Smart and Pretty (Katherine <-Jessica's sister>) made me a tasty not entirely poisonous meal tonight, and I was able to play some magic with only mild harassment from Jessica. And I managed to run into an old pally from KU, Kelly Verbal. Didn't get to talk much, for I was working @ the time. I had to work POS Bagger, and that's point of sales, but it really means what it looks like. It was not to bad though, gotta work with Tim, which I don't often get to, he's a nice chap. Welp bored of typing now.... stop reading.... go watch some free internet porn

gotta put a post script in here. Whilst trying to make this post Hamid asked me if I "Made out with her" which is so juvenile and awesome I just had to include it.


Bob said...

wtf, you deserved it, heh

Anonymous said...

The Harry's complete lack of knowledge of B-rate cultural icons never ceases to amaze me. It makes me wonder what incredibly useful odd facts they know that people like me watching Chuck Norris at 2am on USA Network missed out on.

I can hear it now... "you've never heard of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque? ... Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque lost her virginity NEVER!"


Anonymous said...

We are supposed to leave encouraging comments. So consider this one.
Be encouraged!