The Xmas shopping marathon didn't go as bad as I would have @first thought. We haven't taken care of everyone, and we totally forgot about some people, but we should be ready in time for Merry The Jews killed Jesus fun. <-- Edited by Mel Gibson. My feet were angry by the end of the day, but everything went smooth, and I made it home just in time for Mav's. They gave me a scare for a while but Ridirkulous eventually came through for me.
In other news the sweetest Taru since Vivi or whatever that dude's name/race was is back!

oop wait, maybe that's not him, ohh here he is!

Now I just have to wait for like three weeks for the update to be finished, then see if I still have an account, then play! weeee!
the last bit doesn't seem to make sense. My brain went all fuzzy with the mention of slord.
Like your ninja though.
heh, I just wanted an excuse to get my awesome kung fu fatty up there, forgot to post this website. But it's sweet, A final homey posted it on my linkshell and I enjoyed it's references, especially the big trouble little china reference
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